Jon Lyons

Episode 90.5: Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time (with special guest Jon Lyons 2.5)

Episode 90.5: Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time (with special guest Jon Lyons 2.5)

It's done, everyone, IT'S DONE! We did it! Congratulations! The Kaiju Hollywood Bad Boys Martin, Brandon and Luke had Jon Lyons back to talk about the last Evangelion rebuild movie aptly titled Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time. Wow, this is a really confusing intro but I promise you, it's a great episode. Also listen to this whole thing if you want to find out about our Payday contest.

Episode 90: Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo (with special guest Jon Lyons)

Episode 90: Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo (with special guest Jon Lyons)

Holy moly, the Kaiju Hollywood bad boys Martin, Brandon and Luke are actually doing it! They're talking about the last two Evangelion rebuild movies with special guest and returning champion Jon Lyons! Originally we were going to try to do both in one episode but it got too big so enjoy a mini-episode of discussing the 3rd Evangelion movie and look forward to a full episode for the next release of Podzooky when we discuss the 4th and final film.

Episode 79: Godzilla vs Kong (with special guest Jon Lyons)

Episode 79: Godzilla vs Kong (with special guest Jon Lyons)

EMERGENCY PODZOOKY ALERT: A new Godzilla movie and a new Kong movie came out and it's the same movie?! You know we gotta get into it as soon as possible. The Hollywood Kaiju Bad Boys Martin, Brandon and Luke had on special guest Jon Lyons to talk about the new kaiju throw down. Talking points include wet ape to air ape, which kaiju is circumcised and meatball sandwiches. Also stick around for a drop in from fan favorite Aaron Klopfer at the end!