Three dumb idiots talk about the biggest lizard idiot who shoots dumb radiation out of his dum dum face.
- Hosts -
Martin Felshman
Luke Evans Flip
Cover Art by Brandon Kirkman
- Episodes -
The Podzooky Boys are back for another rip roaring 80's horror classic. Special guest Connor Lane joins us to discuss the finer points of poorly fitting pajamas, terrible Ouiji board questions, and blindly shooting into the night.
We got a humdinger for today's Podzooky to finish out January 2025 strong. It's special guest Scott Meyer talking about the monster movie Gorgo with the Kaiju Hollywood bad boys Brandon, Martin and Luke, all thanks to a special request from a very British fan. What a great reminder to email us your suggestions and weird writings to podzookypodcast@gmail.com! This one gets wild fast with the highlights being the new rules of Podzooky (I will not write out all 5), Perfect actors for bad people and quite a few interesting recommendations at the end.
We're not talking about just 10 beavers, or 27 beavers, but we're talking Hundreds of Beavers on this episode of Podzooky with special guest Caitlin Checkeroski. The Kaiju Hollywood Bad Boys Brandon, Martin and Luke get into it with Caitlin chatting about bits being pushed too far, boy coded media and is this movie actually Scarface? Amazing Beaver times all around.
Ho ho ho! Welcome, fans of Podzooky and the Super Sentai Brothers Side Project for our 1st ever Podzooky and Super Sentai Brothers Christmas Spooktacular with special guest Jonathan Shannon and Kaiju Hollywood Bad Boy Brandon getting deep into some weird Christmas finds. We talk about 3 wild Tokusatsu Christmas specials (Gaoranger, Kamen Rider and Kakurangers) while going over some of our favorite media over the year of 2024. Come for the jokes about Centipede demons, stay for the insanity of trying to explain "Claus Rangers".
Special guest and local comedian Knute Gregory has come to assist the Hollywood Kaiju Badbois in reviewing and unpacking the 1999 Sci-fi schlock classic, Reptilian (Yonggary). Will they spend too long on a bit they ended up cutting, Yes. Will they discuss stupid jetpacks? Also yes. Will they bring up Italians? It wouldn’t be Podzooky if they didn’t!