Happy Halloween, dear listener! Open up that pillow case and let us toss in our very first Halloween special! DM (Dungeon Monster) Alex has some tricks and treats for you and The Bulldogs! In this extra spooky episode, our adventurers keep a beleaguered-by-teens Orlando company as he hands out candy from his fancy condo. Will our heroes be able to stay sober enough to handle briefly talking to strangers? Will The Sweatshop Boys act on their threat against everyone·s favorite curmudgeonly middle-manager? Will Tim win best costume at the senior center anime convention?!? WE LOVE HALLOWEEN!
Time to face the music (and lines!). As The Bulldogs follow Alan Bloodskull deep into the bowels of the courthouse, they meet an adorable old man who may or may not have a lot of gold, wade through some greasy shag carpet, and finally corner their foe for a climactic showdown. Will they be able to stop Alan in time? Or will they realize when they get there they have no plan? Yeah, it’s that.
What is Maxwell up to in the bathroom? Is he scheming more ways to interrogate our heroes, or is there something more sinister afoot? It’s up to The Bulldogs to save the day/make a commotion in the kitchen…godspeed you glorious, pasta-eating idiots!
Important news alert: Our heroes have finally discovered their fun group name. Listen to this episode to hear the complete non-sequitur that inspired them, and also what happens when the team faces a slow day at the office. Will they spend their entire day bugging a fun co-worker, or will they decide to cash in a free lunch from an old foe?
The gang is back! After being ambushed by Tracy in the last episode, Stuart is in a tight spot, and the only one who can save him is Orlando. Will he be able to snap him out of his tech-induced fugue state? Or will one our heroes get fired before they come up with a great team name?
It's time for a new season of Desks & Dayjobs! In this episode, veteran office goof-ups Hobe and Stuart meet their new co-workers Brube and Orlando and take them on a mighty quest...to learn how to use some of the office equipment. Will they be able to complete this simple task? Or will they have to beat up on a machine?