


"Nannypalooza is a national nanny conference. Designed by nannies, for nannies, the gathering is an amazing weekend of learning, connecting and growing as a professional." Sue Downey joins us this week to talk about Nannypalooza! If you haven't heard of Nannypalooza, do not pass go, do not collect $200, please just listen to this episode because it's one of the best conferences around!

Episode 76 - International Nanny Training Day

Episode 76 - International Nanny Training Day

Sue Downey of Nannypalooza and the "Practically Perfect Podcast" joins us to talk about International Nanny Training Day (iNNTD). International Nanny Training Day is held to recognize the needs of young children and to raise awareness of the positive correlation between nanny training and quality care. This national initiative is part of Week of the Young Child, an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. 

On Saturday, April 21st nannies from all over the U.S and the United Kingdom, Switzerland and Australia will gather in their local communities at training events designed to meet their unique needs.

Episode 56 - LIVE FROM NANNYPALOOZA - Fostering Autonomy and Decision Making

Episode 56 - LIVE FROM NANNYPALOOZA - Fostering Autonomy and Decision Making

Children often spend their days being told exactly what to do and when to do it. If you truly put yourself in the shoes of a child and think through their day, it becomes clear that they are often not given the opportunity to make choices which leads to self-doubt within the child and power struggles between you and the child. In this episode, recorded LIVE at Nannypalooza, Cady Leinicke and I discuss ways to hold space for your nanny kids to make decisions throughout their day!