NPC Incorporated, Shipping & Receiving, Episode 7: Night Caps & Knife Gaps
Greetings, Dear Listeners! A new day is about to dawn for the heroes of NPC Inc, but first they decide to have a drink at a friendly dive and figure out what their goals are as coworkers and people. Sounds pretty sweet, right? Like they might all be growing as friends and people? Sure would be a shame if the next day turned a little sour on them and they struggled with their workload and had to deal with hostile coworkers, right? Surely that won’t happen. Unless it does? Ah geez, I’m terrible at keeping secrets, it definitely does! Tune in to see how this Terrible Tuesday begins!
In this Episode
Matt mulls beer crafted beer
Quinn is fueled by sugar
June names her own coach
Dimetra gets a spicy keychain
And Quinn and Matt synchronize bathroom breaks
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