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The Hoffman Chronicles, Vol 2, Chapter 2: We Sell Smiles

The adventure continues, dear listeners! Our heroes have their marching orders from the increasingly militant new sales co-manager, Thaddeus Warman, and are off to pass out the new catalog/brochure/pamphlet/post-it note. Whatever it is, they’re on the case! But as our heroes draw closer to the desk of Trevor the Troll, danger looms and the grumpy, messy employee might be a challenge our heroes can’t “Queer Eye” their way out of. Will they get the terrible Trevor to try tidying? Will they all officially make plans for Wednesday night? Will they have any spell slots left after they start using them purely to mess with each other? Find out in this exciting episode!

In this episode:

  • Stuart is M Bison

  • DM Hobert’s brain is broken by brochures

  • Tory engages in some aggressive Post-it-noting

  • Maxwell puts the “cat” in “alog”

  • Agnes takes the wrong path and finds her new path

  • And Gerbbi goes down

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The Hoffman Chronicles, Vol 2, Chapter 2: We Sell Smiles Desks & Dayjobs