A Miracle on NPC St. 2: Gift of the Gerb-i
Ho Ho Ho! It’s me, Santa Claus! I’m here to introduce this year’s Christmas special! I hope you enjoy it - even though it’s just chock-a-block with swears, drunkenness, and anime references - and I hope you’ve had a very Merry Whateveryoucelebrateorchoosenottocelebrate. That’s a holiday this podcast is trying to make a thing. Do you think it will catch on? Ho Ho Ho, let’s check in with our heroes, who are spending a snowy evening in the festively decorated break room of NPC Inc exchanging gifts both sincere and shitty. Tis the season!
In this episode
Rainforest chokes back some sauce
Gerbbi sings the hits (feat. David Bowie & Bing Crosby)
Starp shepherds his flock
Brube makes the most of the mundane
Maxwell becomes a “2” of a person
Agnes gets edgier
Stu Skellington makes a dramatic exit
Hobe connects with an old foe
Luke fundamentally misunderstands the event
And Stuart “rolls” a miraculous 20
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